So, you DO want to see where I live, huh? Well, you'll just have to buy the book! Okay, so perhaps I am getting ahead of things here; let me explain. The Seven Shabby Sisters (plus or minus one) of the Shabby Cottage Studio Design Team http://www.shabbycottagestudio.com/store/WsAncillary.asp?ID=7 have combined to create our own little shabby abode to submit for possible publication in a compilation of group art efforts by L.K. Ludwig http://gryphonsfeather.typepad.com/gryphons_feather_studio/call-for-art.html.
The rooms were randomly assigned and are about four inches by four inches. No square footage here! You just try decorating a room on that scale and no budget to boot! Anyway, here is my room. Stay tuned to Shabby Cottage Studio http://www.shabbycottagestudio.com for the unveiling of the entire house. And cross your fingers for us that we get it published. I can't wait to see the whole thing either, and thanks to SCS owner and house manager Gail Schmidt http://shabbycottagestudio.blogspot.com/, formerly of Indiana, too!
By the way, my room is the nursery with the Three Little Kittens and their mittens on the line, better to see in person. The people are actually from a vintage family photograph, although I have never known what relatives they are. Background paper from SCS, German scrap kitties from Blythe-lover Moline on etsy http://www.moline.etsy.com/ and blocks image from http://sandraevertson.blogspot.com/ Sandra Evertson's Instant Memories Babies, which allows free non-commercial use without permission.