7 rms, great view, no BRs, no BTs, piano room, nursery, indoor garden, nice roof, priceless. This lovely little abode, about 18" tall, is the creation of The Seven Shabby Sisters of Shabby Cottage Studio http://www.shabbycottagestudio.com, of which I am one. A Shabby Sister, that is. See that nursery slash laundry room with the three little kittens on the right? That's my room. Hard to see, I know, but I am hoping a combination of pictures will be enticing enough for the publishers from Quarry Books to take a second look.
The house was created for an art call for collaborative efforts to be including in an upcoming book, organized by published artist L.K. Ludwig http://www.gryphonsfeather.typepad.com. Our house was organized by SCS owner and shopkeeper and house-assembler Gail Schmidt http://shabbycottagestudio.blogspot.com. Gail finished the overall house exterior, the intricately-shingled roof and the trims as well as cutting all our rooms to fit exactly after we mailed them to her. That required a lot of engineering. We will hold our collective breath regarding publication.
Meanwhile, my two recent Marie Antoinette pages are for the same book and another collaborative effort, that one organized by Lisa Kettell http://faerieenchantment.blogspot.com. Tonight I got to "know" one of the other five contributors to that a little better by writing about her.
You can check out my interview with the cheery Ann-Denise Anderson over at ZNE Dollz http://www.znedolls.com and see her springy works there and on her blog Whimsical Fancy at http://whimandfancydesigns.blogspot.com. Can't wait to see her Marie pages now that I've seen her work! Wish us luck on publication.